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This month in heart space, I encourage you to notice, to pause and to attend to your self care. It can take only a tiny bit of intention and even less effort to aim for awareness of this part of our lives. Just setting the intention that we will do one small thing for ourselves each day may be all it takes to form a habit. Let's aim to make self care a habit for ourselves and perhaps this will become a life long part of our lives. |
Everyone seems to have some kind of device or phone with them all the time. This month, let's use this device for art making! Photography is art that can take only a few seconds to create. We often snap a picture without realizing the art we are creating. We may post on social media and share with others without acknowledging the art that is being created. Let's take a moment to pause and notice.
Join our free fb community, heART space to share your art, dreams and wildest imaginings |