EXAMPLE PROJECT: Our free project for March 2016 is 31 days: 31 words: draw it, write it, dance it, paint it, explore how it inspires you, write how it makes you feel.
Each day I will share a word with you and you are welcome to use it as inspiration or create your own. Please share your word suggestions in the comment box.
You are welcome to post a response everyday or when you feel called. Please use this as an invitation to make space for your creativity.
Your response doesn't have to be a masterpiece. It could be a scribbled line, an idea, a poem, a colour, a video of you dancing your feeling about the word. Any creative response! Allow what wants to come through you and share your inspiration with others. Don't be put off by your inner critic telling you it isn't good enough or it is silly. Be curious. Trust your response and live your most creative life.