Dreams and art are the language of our unconscious or some might say of our soul. They allow us to access deep hidden messages and healing.
Both help us find a way to see with greater clarity and depth. Dreams are always trying to tell us somethings and if we step into a different way of viewing them we can begin to tap into the mystery. What happens in this realm in the key to understanding ourselves psychically and in some ways is more real than the reality we live. By exploring we can often recognize the parts of us that are not fulfilled or realized and address them, allowing ourselves to become whole. So when we begin to work in this incredible realm we realize we are working with symbols of transformation. I have worked with dreams for the last 12 years and have studied with a variety of teachers and methodologies. The most important thing to know is that you are the ONLY person who can unlock this deeper wisdom and knowing. My approach isn't to project my own meaning but rather work with you to unravel deep and meaningful symbols and access your deep rich inner wisdom. From a spiritual perspective many different cultures, have said that dreams are often more real that our waking life. They give us insights into our unconscious mind and some would say soul, that would otherwise go unnoticed. They can give us meaning, purpose and direction. |
If you are feeling curious, please fill out the form below. I am currently accepting both one-to-one dreamwork clients (ranging from just doing a single session to working together regularly. I charge a sliding scale of $80-100 CAD) and am also beginning a limited number monthly dream analysis groups, where we will process 2-3 dreams per session. You can express your interest by filling out the form below or clicking the registration link.
Join our free fb community, heART space to share your art, dreams and wildest imaginings |